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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Is it me?

Is it me or do things (from little to "big") not seem as important now? as I try to blog and buy groceries, and clean my apartment, it is hard for me to continue "living normally" when we have a national tragedy on our hands. Talk about a renewed perspective. Talk about an in-your-face way to learn how much of a bad shape America is in.

I feel like i walked away from a fatal car accident, without a scratch while a close friend or family member was killed instead. I've been spared and I thank God for that but there is this feeling of sadness and guilt. even as i give, donate, and volunteer, pieces of me have died in New Orleans, are dying, are suffering, are displaced. It is hard to reconcile.

things are falling apart.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger slb said...

what's jarring, too, is the "one degree of separation" part of it all. almost everyday, i remember someone i know whose family live(d) there. almost everyday, i think of how closely it touches all of us and how little all the millions that have been collected immediately comforts the babies, the dead, the dying. it's heavy.

i want to do so much more than i have done. and i'm really just not sure how to begin.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Laylah Queen of the Night said...

I know. And each day that passes by the hurt widens. I am trying to see the light at the end, but its so hard..

At 9:48 AM, Blogger SWriter said...

I turn on the tv, I turn off the tv. I want to see,yet, it's hard to believe something like this is happening in America. I pray Americans get through this. The emotions,perceptions,which this catastrophe has brought up, is similar,for me, as the Rodney King incident, which ignited the Los Angeles Rebellion. The country split,once again,over the "race" issue. For some reason, not sure why, I think this Katrina Tragedy is going to bring us all to our "knees".

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Felicia Pride said...

it is definitely hard to see the light...because everytime i watch television, a new repercussion that I didn't even think about is bought up: Unemployment, unpaid mortgages, cholera, orphans, forced evacuations, overcrowded schools...

At 5:18 AM, Blogger Laylah Queen of the Night said...

Yes, I am shocked each time I realize yet another horrible repercussion. Things I didnt even consider. Not a good feeling.


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