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Monday, February 27, 2006

totally off-topic

last weekend i watched a made for TV movie about MC Hammer's life. Oh it was bad. So bad that I watched the entire thing. Who played hammer? The black guy from 40 Year old virgin.

Anywho, Hammer was on my mind, and what do I find? His blog. Now I am not sure if this is really Hammer's but something tells me it is. Don't act like you didn't like "They Put Me In A Mix." Was that the name of it?


At 9:06 PM, Blogger A Girl Again said...

hey lady,

I feel like this must be a stunt cause I swear my guy "ran across" this same blog just clicking "next" on blogger. they must have it in heavy rotation.

At 4:38 AM, Blogger Felicia Pride said...

yeah i found it off the homepage of they are keeping in heavy rotation.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

don't act like he wasn't THE MAN back in the day with his parachute pants and 1,000-strong entourage. (hee)
oh...oh..oh..oh..oh..Hammer time!


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