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Thursday, January 05, 2006

How does he do it?

People have various opinions on Michael Eric Dyson. I've only read one of his books, aptly titled, Why I love Black Women. But geez he knows how to throw himself into a debate, usually by releasing a book at the right time. His new one book is called Come Hell or High Water: Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster is one sale 1/20/06. You can read the description here, but here's a snippet:

"He explores the legacy of black suffering in America since slavery and ties its psychic scars to today’s crisis. And, finally, his critique of the way black people are framed in the national consciousness will shock and surprise even the most politically savvy reader. With this clarion call Dyson warns us that we can only find redemption as a society if we acknowledge that Katrina was more than an engineering or emergency response failure. From the TV newsroom to the Capitol Building to the backyard, we must change the way we relate to the black and the poor among us. What’s at stake is no less than the future of democracy."


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